Saturday, December 10, 2016

Mistaken Identity

Yes, I see you’re getting too big for your boxes. That thought sent me to Tractor Supply to
check out possible chicken coops. They didn’t have any in their store, but they showed me some
online. After investigating all the possibilities, I chose the absolute best one--- a terraced wooden
roof, a removable metal tray positioned under the roost for easy cleaning, and four nesting boxes,
one for each hen. Only thing, in order to make an online payment, I had to go home and bring it
 up on my computer.
      What fun! I clicked on the page and there it was. On the bar panel to the right of the
 screen appeared the very same coop, but on sale. A slightly lower price and delivery in two
days! Imagine that. I clicked the one on the right and finalized the order.

     Sure enough, two days later, the coop appeared on my porch—in two boxes, that is.  I tried to
 move one but couldn’t budge it. When the handyman, Dan, came by later that day he moved it
into the garage. And Saturday a church friend, Steve and his grandsons, came to help assemble it.
 Not an easy job at all, but it was really handsome when they finished.  The roof, the metal tray
that slid in and out, and the two nesting boxes. Two? I need four.  Back online I could see the
 mistake was mine. The coop only held two.
     So, while I had the computer open, I listed it on Craig’s list. I must’uv had a dozen calls that
 evening from people wanting to raise just two chickens. The first people who called pulled up
early the next morning, in the rain, with their flatbed and bought it. Now what?

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