Sunday, May 11, 2014

Set a Timetable

YOU are a good writer! YOU can do wonderful things for the Lord if you learn how to get your computer running, your mind turning over, and your brain moving to proclaim the truth through the written word.

Years ago, the author of a very successful book which had recently come off the press, tells about meeting with Winston Churchill,

"How long did it take you to write?" Churchill asked him.

The author said he didn't know---over a period of 5 months, in patches---he said he had found regular work impossible. He had to sit waiting for the mood to write...

"Nonsense! Go to your room regularly, at 9 o'clock and say I am going to write for 4 hours."

"What if I have a headache or indigestion and so on?"

Churchill told him, 'You have got to get over that. If you sit waiting for inspiration, you will sit waiting until you are an old man. Writing is like any other job. Like marching an army with your troops, kick yourself, irritate yourself, move out. You can produce something very ingenious by keeping office hours." Churchill, himself, proved that.

If we are here to proclaim the written Word, we can only find audience by honing our skills. By choosing not a word, but the very best word. We are to be strategic in planning and crafting our sentences. We must smooothly transition from parapraph to paragraph. We must have the clincher firmly in place when we begin. Have you started collecting a file of picturesque speech, neat words and anecdotes and colorful language sentences? Save them from newspapers and magazine articles. They will prove invaluable.

We can pray: "Let our words, O Lord, be a fragrant offering, pleasing in your sight." 

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