Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Where Do We Go From Here?

My, how time flies! I'm still seeing the dust settling from the race. Where did it all begin? Let's see. First of all we looked for a publisher on line and in Christian Writer's. We narrowed it to two. Both insisted in their opening files that the manuscript would be submmitted in photo-perfect style. You see,
 PDF files have many advantages over native software files. For instance, all fonts and graphics are embedded into a PDF, eliminating most converison errors and the need to send fonts and artwork.

In order to present a picture-perfect manuscript means editing and editing and editing.  Then reading it aloud. Actually, reading it to myself left something to be desired. *(After publication, I'm telling you), I found myself reading it to a group of children in Barnes and Noble one Saturday afternoon before Christmas.  At that reading, several sentences, when ommitted, kept the sequences running and dancing along the page, and better served the story.

"A word in time could have saved nine,"  the same as  "a stitch in time saves nine." So read on, and on and over and over to a live audience and you're sure to uncover unnecessary words, or any break in the rhythm.

Writing is much like music, you see. It has rhythm, movements, crescendos and yes, rests. Whereas classical music, as well as, written clasics, appeal to an ever wider audience, your story must declare its precise audience. Spend your time wisely deciding if your readers are eight to twelve, or young adults, retirees, or other.  (more next week)

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