Sunday, April 9, 2017


           by Chris Fabeszewski           #2

 Connections: (Connect everything!)
       Show relationships between people, places, events, and things
       Add time/logic words, foreshadowing reflection (on the past, present, future)
Add head-tail links between sentences, paragraphs, and chapters. (In other words, refer to past information before adding new information.)
Elegance: Add focus and nuances.

   Use the riches of the English language, especially vocabulary and verb forms!
  Focus: word order, voice (active vs passive), and reference (noun vs. pronoun)
  Nuances: word choice, sentence structure, verb tenses, modal verbs, register.
  *Keep reading for a little grammar help 😊
 *Word Order: Normal=SV(O) + (prep phrases)Anything moved to the front is in focus.
     “The itsy bitsy spider ran up the water spout.” (normal)            
     “Down came the rain and washed the spider out.” (focus on direction)
      In the morning Mary got up. (focus on time)
Passive voice makes the O (object) or the V (verb) the focus.
     John hit the ball (normal) vs The ball was hit. (focus on the ball)
Reduced clauses are another way to focus on the verb
     John tripped and fell because he was running blindly. (normal)
      Because he was running blindly, John tripped and fell. (focus on cause)
      Running blindly, John tripped and fell. (focus on action of running)

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