Sunday, November 1, 2015

Henny Penny! The Sky Is Falling!

     Are you bored? Lonely? Winter blues getting to you? Why not take a trip to the Feed Store like I did? And, get you some little chickens, actally chicks? Put'em out in the kitchen near the stove like your grandma did.

     Check online if you're saavy or get to the library and read all about them,  That way you'll know which kind you want to buy. Me? I got two Rhode Island Reds and two Aracaunas---the first time, that is.  I chose the first ones because they lay brown eggs and the others lay blue-green ones.  See, you already know it's fun to check out chickens.

    What I needed was something to keep the house from echoing, something to break the silence, and somthing to change the routine. (something to come home to). I found it in four tiny balls of yellow down!  They all looked alike in the beginning.  They peeped, they pecked, they sipped from the upside down water jar with the round, red lid.  The rushed all day around the confines of their cardboard box lined with sweet-smelling wood shavings, then huddled up to sleep their nights away under the warming light.

     Have you been online lately? Checked out the library? There's so much to learn about chickens.

 .........continued next week

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