Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Want to catch a moonbeam?

     Want to catch a moonbeam? A falling star? Ever want to slide down a rainbow and find its end? Why not? Let's try it!
     A good writer...No, a great writer collects bits and pieces of good material, not to plagiarize, but to assimilate and make it his own. He stores away a clincher line that sweeps him away. He jots down catchy phrases and colourful imagery. He reads, reads, reads. He grabs his random thought and scribbles it down whenever it comes...in the grocery aisle, in bed at night, or while driving. (*Please pull over to do this!)
     He finds a great quote, lines from a poem, or a terrific expression like, "Keeping a secret from Aunt Maude was like trying to sneak dawn past a rooster!"  (*If you like that one, why not write one of your own right now?)
     Eyes and ears of great writers are ever on alert. They see a rainbow---really see the vibrant pastels, trace the graceful arc, and chase the crescent ribbons to where they fold into the earth. You'll do well to craft your stories like the rainbow---a gently lift-off, a graceful arc, a satin landing , and you just may find a pot of gold awaiting you at the rainbow's end!

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