Thursday, August 25, 2016

One Two Buckle Your Shoee

    When the baby fuzz disappeared, pinfeathers emerged. Personalities formed. Meg grabbed the leader position hands down. Whenever she spied a spec on the side of the cardboard, she'd peck and the others came running to see what she'd found. If she'd fly a short spurt across their box, so would they.

    Jo, meanwhile, chose to be the loner, while Minnie and Maddie acted like Bobsey Twins. As the chicks grew, the box shrunk. Good thing Karen, the church secretary, called one morning asking if I needed the big computer box they had just emptied.  Oh yes!

     I got real busy cutting wide doors in both boxes, and joining them together. When I finished I had created a fancy double wide! Changing and cleaning out shavings became a breeze, post-reconstruction. The little brood could occupy one side while I cleaned the other.

     When the time came to install my feather duster for a roost, I punched two holes in opposite sides of the box, sliding the handle in place.  Later, when darkness descended, I peeked in to find all four little angels on their perch fast asleep. All's well that ends well, so it goes.

     However, one week later, I came in from church to find Maddie sitting on the top edge of the double wide. She didn't flinch or move a feather as I closed the door behind me. Frantically, my eyes searched the room for other escapees.  None. Only Maddie, sitting very still, waiting to see if I noticed her---I noticed!